Showing 14 Result(s)

What I’d Like You to Know about My Blindness 01: We’re Not All the Same

I’ve been thinking a lot about what I’d like people to know about my life as a blind person – things that I wish were more commonly known that would foster greater inclusion of the visually impaired community into society and the workplace. Because they would help people to understand my world a little better. …

Conquering the Revolting Door

To some people stepping into a revolving door may not be much of an issue. But for me, standing there with my white cane, stepping into the revolving door was a matter of deep thought and planning. Here’s why I find revolving doors scary: 1 Stepping in– as a blind person you have to figure …

Going Solo

Do you have any idea how bizarre it was for me to realize that I’m using my white cane to walk around independently for the first time ever? Please don’t think I wasn’t taught to use a white cane when I first lost my sight. I was. But somehow the only time I used my …

Taking Small Steps

Walking on my own across the road to my neighbours house should be simple, right? I mean, it’s less than 10 metres. So, it should be easy. Well yes, it should. But I’ve never done it At least, not before my second Orientation and Mobility lesson with Golden Dzapasi, of the Cape Town Society for …