Showing 6 Result(s)

My Year in Books: The Disability-Focused Titles

The final blog post about my reading this year is about the books related to disability, the final category of diversity that I mentioned in my previous post. Below are the books I’ve read that are either by authors with disabilities, with characters who have a disability, or are on the subject of disability. Here …

My Year in Books: Reading Diverse Voices

I have also been trying to read a greater number of books by authors with diverse voices in 2024. These include books written by people from a diverse racial perspective from my own, from the non-binary community, or published originally in a language other than English, as well as stories by people from other cultural …

My Year in Books: The Non-Fiction Titles

My final three blogs for the year are going to be on a central theme, the books I’ve been reading this year. Today, I’m going to tell you the non-fiction titles I read in 2024. I set an intention in 2020 to try and read at least one non-fiction book each month and have continued …