A Different Way of Seeing Helping You Make Sense of the Overwhelm
If you feel overwhelmed by the tasks you’re facing, you may need someone to help you make sense of the overwhelm. Let Lois Strachan help you find a different way of seeing.
Whether you’re an organisation wanting to make your workplace and online offerings more accessible to persons with disabilities, or a person navigating the world after becoming disabled, seeing things a little differently may help you make sense of what you need to move forward.
Lois Strachan knows all about managing overwhelm. After becoming blind at the age of 21, she had to figure out how to live as a blind person in a sighted world, learning new ways to do everything. Since then, Lois has realized that her abilities to solve problems, focus on ways to break down complex challenges and solve them step by step, and her determination to move forward despite her blindness were assets she could teach to others.
As a coach, transformational speaker, disability advisor, bestselling author, blogger, and podcaster, Lois is ready to help you see your world differently and make sense of the overwhelm.
There was a time when it felt like everyone was watching cute puppy and kitten videos on YouTube. I have no idea if that is still a trendy way to use the video channel, but I thought I would let you know about some cute guide dog videos on my channel. There are several of …
Great news! My podcast has gone video! A few weeks ago I took the decision to release some of my podcast episodes as videos on YouTube. Naturally, only those episodes where I have permission both to capture and to share the content. There are two primary reasons for me to start doing this. First, so …
I thought it was about time I introduced you to my new companion, my guide dog Normandy. Actually, the name given to him by his marvellous puppy-raisers from Care Puppy Raising isNorman, but he quickly started being called Normandy by me and everyone on guide dogtraining class and that’s what’s stuck. So, that’s what I’ll …