Showing 58 Result(s)

Artificial Intelligence Helping the Blind

Over the past few months I’ve seen numerous articles about the potential risks associated with using artificial intelligence (AI) to accomplish tasks. People seem to fear that using AI will have negative results, ranging from accusations of plagiarism to the death of creativity. Simultaneously, I have seen numerous online courses and trainings that promise to …

A Tour of the District Six Museum

Having been notified that we had been successful in our funding application for the Inclusive Heritage ‘Kanala’ (please) project, our first step was to visit the District Six Museum to gain a sense of their existing exhibits and what the visitor experience might be like for a blind or partially blind person. Our plan was …

A Project on Inclusive Heritage with the District Six Museum

Following the success of the blind photography project, professional photographer Karren Visser and I decided to collaborate on a second project. We put in a funding application to the UK-based disability arts group Unlimited which, in partnership with British Council, invited proposals for projects promoting disabled arts. The project that Karren and I decided to …