Paws for Thought: Waggy Birthday, Mom!

the image shows a close-up of the face of a yellow Labrador and it looks like she is smiling at the camera.

Hello everybody, it’s me – Fiji – once again stealing one of Mom’s blog’s because she’s away… again.

Anyway, even though Mom’s in Mauritius, wherever that is, I still want to wish her a very waggy birthday for yesterday. Because she is very special to me and my doggy siblings and we want her to know we thought about her on her birthday yesterday.

I’m already planning a belated birthday celebration for her for next week when she returns. So far I plan to wake her up bright and early by jumping up and pulling the covers off her, wagging my tail as fast as I can to show her that I love her. Then I’m going to demand that she lets me take her for a birthday walk, followed by an extra-long birthday play with me. I’ll probably sneak off for a nap after that, to give Mom a chance to recover from the excitement of the morning. But I’ll definitely make sure I wake up in time for her to give me and my doggy siblings an extra-special yummy birthday supper. Don’t you think that will be exciting for her? I’m sure she’ll feel very special.

Anyway, I still have to do all the detailed planning for her belated special day, so I better start on that. And, since I think best when I’m lying down with my eyes tightly shut, I’m just going to trot off to my ultra-comfy bed.

So, till next time…

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