An Exciting Opportunity that Dropped into My Lap

Cds IMG 3047A friend contacted me in response to a Facebook post I published about one of my recent speeches – one about how I use a computer and other assistive technology to help me live a full, fun and productive life despite my blindness. Essentially my friend asked if I would be willing to consider speaking on that topic at a conference in Ghana later this year.

I’m sure you can imagine my response… Would I consider speaking at a disability conference on a topic that is close to my heart? Well… umm… let me think…
Of course, yes!

The 5th AFRINEAD Conference takes place in Kumasi, Ghana in early August. What makes this conference especially appropriate for me as a speaker is the theme: Disability and Inclusion in Africa; the role of Assistive Technology’

I’ve submitted my abstract for consideration and am currently waiting with bated breath to see if I will be on the list of speakers for the event…

And, of course, an added bonus is that it will give me the chance to visit a country I’ve never been before… with plenty of potential future articles about what it’s like travelling as a blind tourist in Ghana!

Isn’t it amazing how sometimes the most exciting opportunities just drop into one’s lap?

1 Comment

  1. Good for you! August is just around the corner.

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