Paws for Thought on My Favourite Fictional Dog

the image shows the cover of the book Over Every Hurdle by Barbara Hinske


Hello everyone, it’s me – Fiji

I’m bouncing up and down with excitement because I have wonderful news to share with you all – my favourite fictional guide dog is back!

His name is Garth and he’s the main dog in the Guiding Emily series by Barbara Hinske. And the exciting news is that Over Every Hurdle, the third book in the series  is being launched in just two days. I know mom has already pre-ordered the book and can’t wait to snuggle up at her feet to find out what Garth has been up to since we last read about him and his human, Emily.

Garth is such a cool dog! He’s a black Labrador like my friend Billy.  And Garth says and does so many things that my mom and I can relate to. We often laugh at his antics. Because he is just like me and my real-life guide dog family. He’s full of fun, but he takes his job as Emily’s guide very, very seriously. Just like all of us actual guide dogs do.

If you haven’t met Garth and Emily yet and like dogs or great stories, I promise you that you’ll enjoy reading about them. Over Every Hurdle is the third book in the series- the first two are  Guiding Emily and The Unexpected Path.

There are still two days to pre-order the book, so don’t waste time – jump up right now, grab your leash and go order them!

Here’s a link to find all the books in the series on Amazon.

I can’t wait for my and Mom’s copy to land in our Kindle library on Thursday. Wag, wag, wag, wag, wag…

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