As I do on occasion, I was scrolling through my newsfeed on Facebook and happened on a post about a magic show. I don’t recall the exact words of one of the comments, but the sense behind it was very clearly based on an assumption that magic shows aren’t for those without sight.
I know there are many things in the world that are highly visual – after all, we live in a world that’s dominated by the sense of sight. And sure, there are lots of things that are hard for those of us who don’t have the option of seeing.
But that doesn’t mean that an activity is totally meaningless to us.
I replied to the comment saying that I’d enjoyed the magic shows I’d been to despite the fact I’m totally blind.
And that was how I came to write an article for Marcel Oudejans, of Magic.Africa, sharing how I experience magic shows without sight.
Hopefully that’s teased your curiosity enough to make you want to find out more. So, here’s the link to the article so all can be revealed:
Just to be clear, Marcel wasn’t the one who posted the comment I responded to – he happened to read it and was curious to learn more.
I love having the opportunity of sharing a little of my experiences with others to help them understand how I do things without sight and hope I’ll be able to write more for other websites and publications in the future. Now, that would be magic!