Puppy-Dog wonders if the Krakow Dragon will breathe fire for her…
Category: Krakow
Puppy-Dog enjoys a day out
Puppy-Dog enjoys a day out in Ojcow, Poland.
Puppy-Dog finds a cozy place for a nap
Puppy-Dog finds a cozy place for an after-lunch nap in the shadow of Krakow Cathedral.
Puppy-Dog nibbles a piece of authentic Krakow pretzel
Puppy-Dog nibbles a piece of authentic Krakow pretzel
Puppy-Dog tried beer
Puppy-Dog tries to sample some local beer but can’t even reach the rim of the glass.
Puppy-Dog eats a Krakow cake
Puppy-Dog finally gets to try one of Krakow’s amazing cakes and decides it’s delicious
Puppy-Dog watches the rain
Puppy-Dog wonders if she’ll be allowed to jump in the puddles after the rain in Krakow Square.
Puppy-Dog drinks wine
Puppy-Dog wonders what the attraction is in drinking wine – she thinks water tastes much better!
Puppy-dog orders dinner
Puppy-dog orders her last meal in Krakow before starting the trip back home.
Puppy-dog serves bar
Puppy-dog serves bar in a small pub in Krakow