Showing 18 Result(s)

My Brother Doesn’t Paws for Thought

Hello everyone, it’s me – Fiji! I know I promised to tell you more about my brother, Onyx. He’s now been part of our family for 5 months and has wriggled his way into the day-to-day activities of the house very well. He is full of energy and loves to run around and play. He …

Paws for Thought about Brothers

Two months ago my doggy sisters and I got a new brother. Like my sister Allie, he is a rescue dog and his name is Onyx. Naturally it took him time to settle in and get used to all us girls. It’s really only in the last few weeks that he’s started playing with us. …

What I’d Like You to Know about My Blindness 01: We’re Not All the Same

I’ve been thinking a lot about what I’d like people to know about my life as a blind person – things that I wish were more commonly known that would foster greater inclusion of the visually impaired community into society and the workplace. Because they would help people to understand my world a little better. …