Showing 11 Result(s)

Artificial Intelligence Helping the Blind

Over the past few months I’ve seen numerous articles about the potential risks associated with using artificial intelligence (AI) to accomplish tasks. People seem to fear that using AI will have negative results, ranging from accusations of plagiarism to the death of creativity. Simultaneously, I have seen numerous online courses and trainings that promise to …

What I’d Like You to Know about My Blindness 01: We’re Not All the Same

I’ve been thinking a lot about what I’d like people to know about my life as a blind person – things that I wish were more commonly known that would foster greater inclusion of the visually impaired community into society and the workplace. Because they would help people to understand my world a little better. …

Sometimes the universe Insists

A few days ago I was chatting to Christopher Venter, a fellow blind Capetonian and blogger, about the technology he uses and his reasons for selecting the equipment he does. Chris believes that dedicated screen reader applications like JAS are being made redundant by products like the iPad and iPhone with their in-built voiceover functionality. …