Showing 16 Result(s)

My Year in Books: Reading Diverse Voices

I have also been trying to read a greater number of books by authors with diverse voices in 2024. These include books written by people from a diverse racial perspective from my own, from the non-binary community, or published originally in a language other than English, as well as stories by people from other cultural …

Getting Closer to Publishing

I thought it was about time I updated you on the work I’m doing to relaunch Fiji’s book, Paws for Thought. I have now finished all the changes I wish to make to the manuscript and have moved onto my final few tasks before submitting the text to my amazing editor, Melanie Harvard, of Harvard …

When Every Day Feels Like Blursday

I was listening to one of my favourite podcasts recently when the presenters mentioned the word blursday. It’s described as the sensation that one day blurs into the next. The word fits the way I’ve been feeling over the past few days perfectly. And it’s exhausting. For one thing, I’m finding it hard to motivate …